Mark Devotional | Week 2 | Day 10


So, I am not going to do this everyday, but I am super inspired right now and want to strike the iron when the Holy Spirit is hot in my life. Some of you are asking what my S.O.A.P. devotional looks like. Well, some days are amazing and some days are, well, light and not as deep. That’s life. Don’t let a day shape what everyday will look like. Let God fill in the blanks and you just be obedient to read S-scripture, O-observe, A-apply it, P-pray about it. 

If any of you have a great thought or testimony about what you are studying. Send it to me, I would love to send out to everyone. 
Pastor Donnie

Mark 1:27–28 (ESV): 27 And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” 28 And at once his fame spread everywhere throughout all the surrounding region of Galilee. 

FASTING AND PRAYER – DAY 3 – Hope and Endurance

S – SCRIPTURE – The passage that sticks out to me today is verse 27. 

They were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him. 


Now, I know the book of Mark is fast paced and Peter (Yes, Peter’s words are what Mark writes. Check the author background or listen to Pastor John’s introduction messages to start the series) takes liberty in skipping some stories and time to get to what he deems as the most important. It makes sense that Peter, the fiery, passionate disciple would speak about this passage. Just verses before this, Jesus was not really known by many. Now, with the Holy Spirit empowering his life to do the will of God, the region is beginning to take notice. Jesus is not some ordinary religious teacher or leader, this man has authority and even the unclean spirits are obedient to his direction! 

Here is what that means for me today; with the Holy Spirit, I don’t have to have a PhD to live with authority in God’s kingdom that is here and now. His power and authority is in you and I today by the indwelling Spirit of God. We just need to trust the Holy Spirit and walk in His power.


Today, we are fasting and praying for hope and endurance. I can’t think of a better fuel for your faith than the fuel of God’s Holy Spirit in your life to bring hope to people you meet and encourage them to endure whatever it is you and they are going through. You and I can have the same passion of Christ and the same power he had to bring hope to people and lead them to endure the life they are in. 


Remember today, you are not the only one going through this pandemic and cultural change. Everyone is needing hope. Everyone is trying to endure. Be the hope. Be the endurance people need to see. 

Who is in your life today that needs that hope and endurance? 

Who is in your life that could use a word of encouragement?

Spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal to you someone you need to bring hope to. When a name surfaces, be obedient to do what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do. Call them. Text them. DM them. Buy them lunch. Meet them for coffee. 

Whoever it is; be obedient to be the hope and endurance they need today. You will be filled with hope as a result and empowered to endure.