The only prerequisite to being baptized is making a personal commitment to follow Jesus and practice the way in which Jesus lived. Essentially you are making Jesus the Lord of your life. That decision should be a starting point in which true life transformation takes place. Your commitment should cause a desire for you to spent time with God, grow in becoming like Jesus, and sharing how the Holy Spirit is leading you in life. You don’t have to clean up your act, get things “right” with Him, or become a “Super Christian” before you can step in the water. Essentially, stepping into the water is your way of saying you are committed to letting Jesus change your life. Neighborhood Friends now becomes witnesses and advocates for your new life in Jesus.
Neighborhood Friends believes taht the choice to follow Jesus and be baptized is a personal decision. If your parents or guardians had you baptized, dedicated, or sprinkled as a child, a great way you can honor their prayers and hopes for you when they did that is to profess Jesus personally and decide to be baptized as a declaration of your own faith.
Yes, you can, but remember; baptism is a symbol or declaration, it is not what saves you. Salvation precedes baptism and never depends upon it (Ephesians 2:8-9). If you decided to follow Jesus before and have made some mistakes along the way, you do not need to be baptized to be cleansed again. The cross of Jesus and his death and resurrection has accomplished all the cleansing you need. As long as you trust in Jesus and the redemptionm He has already accomplished for you, baptism is simply a symbol and sign.
If you are ready to rededicate you life to God, the best next step is to get connected in a Lifegroup at NFC. Lifegroups are the core of building a faith within community; where you will be surrounded by others who can encourage and challenge you in your faith journey and help you grow in your relationship with Christ.