

Each Sunday, your child will learn similar concepts to what is being taught in our adult teaching. Our goal is to bring the message of  Jesus to our kids at a level they can grasp and grow in. The lessons are fun and are taught by committed volunteers who serve Jesus by serving you and your children. We believe your children will love their time in NKids Church each Sunday and will beg you to bring them back!


We believe that the gospel is for all ages, and that’s why we are so passionate about teaching kids how the story of Jesus is woven throughout the Bible and helping them understand at their level! In NKids, our Sunday experiences are filled with gospel-centered lessons, engaging times of worship, and fun activities that help them relate and apply the story in their lives.


The primary pastors of your kids’ faith aren’t the NKids volunteers—it’s you! Our goal in NKids is to resource and support families so that the rest of your week can be filled with conversations centered on Jesus and you can feel equipped to disciple your family to be deeply rooted in their faith and excited about Jesus!


Everyone at Neighborhood Friends has a next step in their spiritual journey, and for our NKids, here are two that God could be calling them to:


If your child has made a decision to follow Christ, begin a conversation about baptism with one of our NKids team members!

Child Dedication: 

If you are interested in having your child dedicated, keep an eye out for our next Child Dedication service! In the meantime, fill out the sign up form below to get on the list for our next dedication gathering.