“There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” — Acts 20:35

Welcome to our fourth series in the Rhythms of Grace journey, focusing on the transformative practice of Generosity. Few of Jesus’ teachings challenge our cultural assumptions as profoundly as His words about money and giving. In a world that equates happiness with accumulation, Jesus offers a radical invitation: true joy is found not in what we gain, but in what we give.

Over the next four weeks, we will explore what it means to live a life of joyful generosity. At first, this practice may feel difficult or even counterintuitive, but as we lean into it, we discover one of the most life-giving and joyful rhythms of following Jesus.

Our prayer for this series is that you experience the deep joy Jesus spoke of — not just the satisfaction of giving, but the profound joy of participating in the very nature of God, the most generous being in the universe.

Throughout this series, you’ll find resources, teachings, and practices to help you step into a life of generosity. Whether it’s through small acts of kindness, sacrificial giving, or simply opening your heart to others, we believe this journey will deepen your faith and fill your life with the joy of the Lord.

Let’s walk this path together and discover the happiness that comes from giving and loving as Jesus taught.

—Pastor Donnie

WK 1 – JANUARY 12TH-  “The Joy of Giving Over Receiving”

WK 2 – JANUARY 19TH –  “Watch Out for Greed!”

WK 3 – JANUARY 26TH “All We Have Belongs To God”

WK 4 – FEBRUARY 2ND “Be Generous To the Poor”

download the digital generosity guide (January 2025 Series)

The modern church is facing a crisis of discipleship.

It’s not that people don’t want to become like Jesus, or that people aren’t trying to become like Jesus.

It’s that we don’t know how to become like Jesus.

We need a pathway to formation for the modern era.

To that end, we are leading a series of messages over the next two years to lead our church in 9 spiritual practices that we can build into the daily rhythms and patterns of our lives. We pray these mini four week series will build your faith in tangible ways to practice the way of life Jesus lived.

Additionally, we are partnering with Practicting the Way to provide you with free resources to help us as a community be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did.

download the digital fasting guide (August 2024 Series)

download the digital sabbath guide (January 2024 series)