Hey Church Family!
It was so good to hear from my friend Joe Acanfora last Sunday for our series of messages in Romans 8. I personally loved his attention to the historical details of being called sons and heirs of God. What a powerful series this has been. Our worship has been unbelievable as well. God is pouring out His Holy Spirit on our church family as we are studying the very promise of his Spirit in us.
“The Spirit himself bears witness with out spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs-heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, . . .”
Romans 8:16-17 ESV
It’s so good to be reminded and assured that our identity is not in what we see or hear around us, but what we know and are assured by the Holy Spirit that lives in each one of us. Paul goes on to say that,
“For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”
Romans 8:24-25 ESV
Be reminded today that your hope is already established in Christ. You may not see it in physical manifestations, but I assure you that you can feel it in your very existence if you rest on these promised realities; so wait with hope-filled patience today, the Spirit of God inside you is at work and will surprise you when you need it most.
Don’t miss this Sunday, Dr. David Williams, my friend and mentor will be giving the message this Sunday. Make sure you stream “live” this Sunday at 10:30am.
Pastor Donnie

WEEK 4- “YOU CAN CHANGE: Groaning For Glory!” Romans 8:26-30
Every human in history grapples with identity. Who am I? Do I have value? Do I matter? 2020 has forced people to take a deeper look at the truth of their existence. The most valuable truth you can be given is the truth about your identity in Christ Jesus. If you don’t know the truth about who you are in Christ, you will spend the rest of your life searching for that truth. The 8 series examines eight things you need to know about the truth of who you are in Christ. join us in discovering the truth of who you are and who we can be together.
Week 1 – 10/11/2020 – You Are Free – Romans 8:1-4 – Pastor Donnie Hinshaw
Week 2 – 10/18/2020 – You Have Life – Romans 8:5-8 – Pastor Donnie Hinsahw
Week 3 – 10/25/2020 – You Have the Spirit – Romans 8:9-13
Week 4 – 11/01/2020 – You Are A Child of God – Romans 8:14-17
Week 5 – 11/08/2020 – You Have Hope – Romans 8:18-25
Week 6 – 11/15/2020 – You Can Change – Romans 8:26-30
Week 7 – 11/22/2020 – You Have Everything You Need – Romans 8:31-34
Week 8 – 11/29/2020 – You Are Loved – Romans 8:35-39

Having served as a youth pastor, family pastor, senior pastor and campus pastor, Dave brings over 35 years of ministry experience to his current role as Lead Superintendent for the Evangelical Friends Church-Mid America (EFC-MAYM). A graduate of Malone University (BA) and Ashland Theological Seminary (MA), Dave completed his doctorate (DMin) in leadership and spiritual formation at George Fox University. Prior to accepting the call to his current leadership position with Mid America in 2014, Dave was a full-time professor and chaplain at Barclay College, where he continues to serve part-time as director of the MA in Pastoral Ministries. Dave and his wife, Carol, have been blessed with six children (Josiah, Sarah, Jeremiah, Hannah, Jessie and Jasmine) and eleven grandchildren (Isaiah, Noah, Isabel, Abigail, Lincoln, Lydia, Cora, Levi, Eleanor, Henri, and Luke). In addition to his love for the church, Dave enjoys sports, nature, travel and spending lots of time with his family. When away from home, Dave’s favorite destination is a solitary cycling route on the Kansas prairie or a scenic hiking trail anywhere above timberline in the Rocky Mountains.
Join NKIDS online this Sunday. We will have a brand new NKIDS worship and teaching video ready for this Sunday online. Your kids will learn a brand new memory verse, worship together with some amazing worship songs, and learn a powerful message from God’s Word that will be right at their level of understanding.
We know that being back online only is not our first option, but what a blessing it is to have online teaching that all our kids can learn and engage together. We will continue to explore new ways our kids can connect online and stay in community with one another. Be safe everyone and we will see you Sunday on NKIDS Online!
Click the link below for all the videos!